Every young person. Every school. Everywhere in Victoria.

We bring the community together to improve education, training and employment outcomes for all young people.

Latest News

Find out what we’ve been up to, as well as the latest opportunities for students, industry and educators.

School to Work Summit

How do we connect our education system to the future world of work? How do we do it in a way that allows every student to chart their own unique course from school to work? The School to Work Summit will tackle these issues and challenges such as economic disruption, equity and inclusion, in-demand skills and the role of technology.

31 March 2022 | Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre


Learn more about our statewide activities.

VicLLENs and DET have teamed up to deliver a series of bite-sized, Q&A style webinars, featuring employers and employees from a variety of industries.

LLENs coordinate Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) opportunities for students undertaking Vocational Education and Training (VET) as part of their VCE or VCAL.

We want every young Victorian to discover their passions and develop a pathway from school to work.

Find Your LLEN

No matter where you are in Victoria, there is a LLEN to support you. Click here to locate the LLEN in your region